Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Why is everyone using the word "bitch" these days. I mean, everyone uses it; men use it to describe women and women use it to describe other women and the kicker; women use it when refering to themselves. When did being called a "bitch" become a badge of honor?! And, why are women referring to themselves as “bitches” with such pride? I have had my share of mistakes and I have used poor judgement a time or two, or three or four, but this is one of thoseI have made a few…well, maybe a little more than a few blunders in my life and but I was able to, at a very young age to realize that I do not want to be called a bitch by anyone nor anm I going to tell anyone, "I can be a bitch sometimes." I have had the same set of core friends since I was 17 years old and though we thought a lot of not so cool stuff was cool, we never threw that word around when addressing each other. There was no “you’re my bitches for life,” or “I’m the head bitch in charge.” LADIES, it’ not cool to use that word to describe another woman or yourself and when you hear the young men you call your friends use it to refer to a fellow woman, PLEASE, tell him to not use that word around you. Where are our standards? Many women wonder why they can’t find a good man or why a man won’t date them or why guys just never seem to take them seriously; it’s because some of us have no respect for ourselves. Now, listen, if you don’t respect yourself, do you seriously expect people to respect you and take you seriously? I started dating my husband when I was 18 years old. Now, my husband is a fantastic guy and I know that if I were a different kind of woman he would never date me or worse yet, he would never marry me. Listen, guys marry certain types of women; they don't marry bitches whose friends are bitches!

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